The cooler season is finally here in Niamey! The nights and mornings cool down to probably around the mid-60s, and it is such a nice relief. The air is much drier and full of dust, but the cool air is so wonderful.
Research continues to move along! A new phase of research has begun. This phase includes neighborhood surveys. Basically, Hilary has chosen a number of neighborhoods around the city to survey to learn about water access. In each neighborhood she does 25 household surveys and asks questions about socio-economic details, and then how they get water. Some people have private taps within their households, while many rely on water vendors, wells, and public pumps. Here are some pictures of her survey in a neighborhood called Pays-Bas. It is an informal settlement near the airport, with little water access and other urban services. Here are some pics!

could you elaborate on the water situations you have encountered. i am fascinated by the topic, not just because my pipes have been freezing here at home.