Pictured are Hilary’s two research assistants and their “guide” for the day. The guide is a person usually recommended by the “chief” of the neighborhood; he will be recognized by anyone in the neighborhood, thus giving credibility to Hilary and her assistants as they ask their questions. The bowls hanging from the ceiling are called calabashes, and come from gourds. They are used to hold grains, rice, water, wine, beer, etc. Some of them have geometric designs burned onto the outside.

This well appeared to be about fifty feet deep. It was nerve-wracking to watch people stand inches from the opening, pulling up heavy buckets of water.

In the same courtyard as the well was the tree pictured below. It had the appearance of being wounded somehow, possibly because of the purplish knots that resembled bruises. We learned the bark is shaved and boiled into a concoction that helps to easy high blood pressure.

Occasionally during her surveys, Hilary has met people whose stories are unforgettable. During this last day of surveying, she met a woman that carried sixty liters of water up to six times a day from a neighbor’s house to hers.

That is the equivalent of more than 130 pounds! She was of average height and slight in build, and pregnant. Look at the men try to even pick up the load she transports.

Great post! I love way you tell the story and calabashes hanging are so cool. I want one! The pictures are amazing. I would love to see this super strong woman's photo! She is an inspiration.