At any time of the day, but especially mornings, you can see women sweeping away trash and leaves from their compounds or stalls where goods are sold. The brooms are comprised of long strands of what seem to be a hearty grass, and are sometimes variously colored. You’d better have a strong back if you plan on sweeping here!
Even in the city animals used for labor are extremely common, including camels and donkeys. The donkeys, when healthy, are actually quite beautiful. Unfortunately, too often their drivers are heavy-handed, whacking the donkeys with large sticks.

Calabashes are hollowed out gourds, and they are used for a variety of different things. Some are used to store water, some for spoons, basically anything that one would need a big bowl-type thing for. The gourds are hollowed out and then decorated. Below are pictures of their creation and use (note the millet beer in the final photo; yum!)
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